Kategorie: Ohrmilben & Milben


Leidet Deine Katze an fiesen Ohrmilben, Milben oder Grasmilben nach Ausflügen ins höhere Dickicht? Dann haben wir nun die Lösung für Dich parat. Bekämpfe gezielt die Katzenmilben oder sorge vor, um Deinem Felltiger die Strapazen wie Juckreiz und Kratzen zu ersparen.

Unser Ohrmilbenöl legt sich natürlich über die Ohrinnenflächen und sorgt für effektive & schnelle Effekte, unser MilbHunter Spray dient als vorbeugendes Milbenmittel gegen kleine Parasiten & unser Abgegrast Grasmilbenspray soll speziell Grasmilben bekämpfen. Ein Rundum-Sorglos Paket zur Bekämpfung, von unseren Tierexperten speziell für Katzen, Kater & Kätzchen entwickelt.

Discover our mite protection now as a natural & sustainable alternative and convince yourself of its quality and effectiveness.

3 products

Your advantages with ALPHAZOO

Highest quality standards

Through strict tests and multi-stage control processes.

Sustainable store

Low-plastic, compostable packaging & climate-neutral shipping.

Holistic animal welfare

Care products, feed supplements and snacks for your vital pet.

Natural quality

Natural raw materials from regional suppliers - without additives.

Made in Germany

Handmade quality, careful production & short delivery routes.

Comprehensive expert knowledge

Thanks to a certified animal nutritionist & knowledge database.

Working together for better animal welfare

Welcome to ALPHAZOO.

For our passionate team of pet owners and experts, quality, sustainability and the well-being of your pet are at the center of everything we do. Our mission: to improve the vitality of dogs, cats and pets with high-quality, natural supplements and care products.

Our love for animals determines our daily actions. Through careful production and natural ingredients, our growing range meets the highest quality standards.

Do you have any questions about our products?
+49 (0) 231 9999 5959 (Mon - Fri: 9:00 to 16:00)